Island Life is spotted regularly in the media. We have already been picked up in magazines such as VT Wonen, Margriet and Ariadne at Home. In Seasons, a complete report about our island appeared in a winter Christmas production. We are very proud that In eigen Land, the magazine of Columbus Travel, proclaimed our island to be the ‘Nicest place to sleep in the province of Utrecht’. Great! Furthermore, we have mentions in the cool travel books Bucketlist – Nachtje weg in eigen land (Bijzonder Plekje), Little Escapes (Barts Boekje) and the thick book One Night Stay by three well-known travel bloggers.

And did you know that you can also book our island for photo shoots and film shoots? No wonder that Island Life pops up in unexpected places….

Would you like to write something about Island Life, or do you have another great idea? Mail us at!